Continued from the Adult Children from Dysfunctional Families Page Some parents may have mental health conditions, for example such as addictions, anxiety, depression, eating disorders, ADD, or personality disorders. These conditions may cause parents to behave in a... Continued from the Family Counselling Page When we are born our brain is not yet fully developed. As a newborn baby we can cry when wet, cold, hungry or lonely, but we cannot yet help ourselves. At birth we are able to breathe and suck at the breast, but we have no... Continued from the Marriage and Relationship Counselling Page When you mother wipes away your tears she is training you to be able to soothe and calm yourself when you get older. She is teaching you to handle your frustrations, disappointments, discomforts, pain and... Continued from the Marriage and Relationship Counselling Page This goes further, you are upset after a tiff with your mother and you need to offload your frustration and distress, but your partner does not choose your side. Instead he sees your mother’s point of view.... You are always trying to get away from something. You have a feeling of dread. Your instinct is to hide, lie low, become invisible, disappear. Your fears may have been triggered by a critical parent, mean teacher, abusive boss, by being in an accident, or witnessing a... Interview with Sean Sean how have you benefited from Fractal Therapy? Before I came to see you every decision, big or small, was hard work for me. Every thought was hard work, because it had a certain amount of fear, anxiety and stress attached to it. So it was in one... If you have a brain that is not properly myelinated, you will be mentally slow. For your brain to function efficiently the billions of nerve networks that connect its‘ parts and must be myelinated. What is myelination? Wikipedia: Myelination is the process of coating... Our inner ear holds the key to intelligent and successful adaptation. Within the sanctity of the inner ear lies our sense of balance, the vestibular system. This sensory system drives the brain to grow through all its’ stages, from early foetus through to adolescence.... Continued from “Where do the Monsters under your bed REALLY live?” Out of the Dungeon at Last We got the edge over reptiles when our mammalian midbrain evolved and produced the hippocampus. The hippocampus has a horseshoe shape and lies right next to the... Your deepest fears… your fantasies of revenge… your doubts about yourself…. these most private and hidden of emotions lie at the root of our psyche and none of us escape them. But where do they originate from? And why do we have them? We are all equipped with brains... Sally’s Nightmare Sally was close to despair. She rarely got a break from caring for her 11 year old autistic son, Peter. She has to micro-manage every aspect of his life, from helping him get dressed in the mornings, to washing himself, eating his meals, using...