
Fractal Therapy deeply releases past trauma so

Couples can heal their relationship with one another

& live more fully together in the Present Moment..

Call Now! 0414414286

Suite 204/ 6-8 Clarke Str, Crows Nest 2065 (short walk from St. Leonards railway station)

Locations Now Conveniently Available In Crows Nest, Dulwich Hill, Randwick, Camden & Windsor.

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When we feel our needs are not met by our partner, rage becomes the driving force in our relationship


9 Ways Anger Manifests In Relationships

Rage and anger in relationships can manifest in many ways. Your angry partner may be critical of everything you do, correcting you on many small matters. The kitchen isn’t clean enough, the door was left open, the soup was too cold and not salty enough, you drive on the clutch, you parked too far from the curb…. the list goes on. Soon you have lost all your confidence in yourself.

Bad temperedness is another sign of anger, she always wakes up grumpy and it’s hard to get a smile, all answers are grunts and there is no eye contact. You go to work in the morning under a cloud. Not a good start to the day.

Or your partner avoids you. While you are watching television, your partner is on the computer. You no longer go to bed at the same time, or share meals. You are spending less and less time in the same room. Your partner is more keen on having a beer and going to the pub with friends than in your relationship. You sense the withdrawal.

Being emotionally cold and not extending any warmth is an effective form of punishment. The house does not ring with laughter, there’s no fun and you don’t get any hugs and kisses. Now you are living in a freezer.

Or your partner is no longer helpful. You are struggling to drag large packets of groceries out of the car, up the stairs and into the kitchen and your partner doesn’t help, he just stands there and watches you. Once he could not do enough for you, but now he goes into hiding when anything needs doing and is rarely trying to make life easier for you. You are on your own.

Call Now! 0414414286

Suite 204/ 6-8 Clarke Str, Crows Nest 2065 (short walk from St. Leonards railway station)

Locations Now Conveniently Available In Crows Nest, Dulwich Hill, Randwick, Camden & Windsor.



Effective Anger Management in Marriage begins with recognizing how difficult emotions usually have their origins in our childhood.

The source of our anger and rage lies in our childhood relationship with our parents. Marriage is just our vehicle to express these feelings: it is the stage on which we act out our old and hidden anger. When you and your partner fight many futile battles over minor issues that never get resolve, it means you have latent anger that keeps on surfacing, always looking for a new outlet and a new place to be vented.

To understand anger we need to go back to the day you were born. Your very first experience after birth is to be held in your mother’s soft, warm and loving arms as you suckle on her smooth breast. She looks down at you and smiles adoringly - this is the birth of love in your life. You are bonding with your mom and she is bonding with you. For the first few years of your life your mom will do her best to keep you bonded to her like this. She instinctively wants to keep you comfortable and happy: your tummy is always full, she cuddles, strokes, tickles and entertains you, plays with you, makes sure you sleep enough. Later on she teaches you to master many new and exciting skills, like walking and talking. She teaches you to find excitement and explore the unknown, to have fun. Soon you get used to having your mom at your beck and call. She never lets you down. She is always there to comfort and soothe away your pains and worries. She is your rock.



Call Now! 0414414286

Suite 204/ 6-8 Clarke Str, Crows Nest 2065 (short walk from St. Leonards railway station)

Locations Now Conveniently Available In Crows Nest, Dulwich Hill, Randwick, Camden & Windsor.

What are Fractal Movements?

Fractal Therapy uses developmental movements to stimulate renewed brain-growth in adults as well as in children.  Major benefits include a reduction in the feelings of anxiety encountered in life.  Clients discover greater freedom and joy because of an increased capacity to effectively cope with relationships and the challenges of living.  These micro exercises are adult versions of those naturally performed by an infant lying in a crib. Although seeming perfectly innocent..


1. I still have deep pain from my childhood. I have been to therapy for years and I am still suffering. Why should I try Fractal Therapy?

Fractal Therapy can access and release deepseated emotional pain, such as terror, fear and mistrust, resulting from violation, or abandonment, which are embedded in body memory, by using techniques that work on that type of memory and learning.

2. What can I expect during the treatment?

Sessions are relaxing, with gentle easy micro physical exercises called Fractal Movements done in a lying down position. Talking is not required.

3. How does Fractal Therapy help with Anger Management?

Fractal Therapy releases pent up emotions, such as anger.  This helps with self control and finding solutions to problems, rather than reacting with rage and frustration.

4. How quickly will I experience results?   CLICK HERE to Read More..


Call 0414 414 286 to make a booking today.

Suite 204/ 6-8 Clarke Str, Crows Nest 2065 (short walk from St. Leonards railway station)

Locations Now Conveniently Available In Crows Nest, Dulwich Hill, Randwick, Camden & Windsor.

Start Healing Now

Fractal Therapy counselling provides rapid healing through advanced psychotherapy for Relationships.

Call us to discuss your unique situation!

Call Now! 0414 414 286

With Locations in Crows Nest, Dulwich Hill, Randwich, Camden, Windsor

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